Getting to know Varina

Interview with Chamira Young
We talk to Chamira Young about variety of business topics including knowing your target market, having a strong portfolio, and more.
February 2, 2015/by Varina Patel
Jay Patel on Digital Photo Mentor
In this interview I talk about my biggest photography failure and what I would have done differently if I had to do it all over again.
August 29, 2014/by Jay Patel
Varina and Jay on Digital Photo Experience with Rick Sammon
We had a great time talking with Rick Sammon on his Digital Photo Experience Podcast. It starts with a great interview with Peter Read Miller – who is a sports photographer with some great insights to pass on. Our talk with Rick starts right around 31:30. Be sure to check out our special offer for […]
April 2, 2014/by Varina Patel
The Phoblographer Interviews Varina and Jay
We talked to Chris Gampat from The Phoblographer about our passion for photography, how we got started, and some of our favorite locations.
March 3, 2014/by Varina Patel
Varina’s Arcanum Introduction
Video editing is something that's pretty new to me. I was surprised at how much work goes into putting together a few minutes of video. Here are a few lessons I learned.
February 24, 2014/by Varina Patel
A Critique with Arcanum Masters
This is a preview of what you can expect in your level 5 critique! Have you submitted your application to The Arcanum?
February 17, 2014/by Varina Patel
What goes into building a photography course?
Jay and I joined Brent Mail, & Johny Spencer on TWIP for a discussion about the work that went into creating The Ultimate Landscape Photography Course.
February 12, 2014/by Varina Patel
Did you get to see the Induro Film Premiere Event?
On January 22, 2014, Jay and I flew to New York to join the amazing team at Induro for a Live Premiere Event of the new short film: Through the Canadian Wilderness with Jay and Varina Patel.
February 3, 2014/by Varina Patel
Through the Canadian Wilderness
In August, Jay and I spent a few days in the Canadian Rockies with the crew from Shade Tree Films. You can watch the film here!
January 31, 2014/by Varina Patel
F Stop Lounge Interview with Leigh Diprose
While we were in beautiful Australia, we sat down for an interview with Leigh Diprose of F Stop Lounge.
January 29, 2014/by Varina Patel
Varina and Jay on TWiP 331
We always have a great time talking with Frederick Van Johnson on This Week in Photo. Our latest conversation was no exception.
November 18, 2013/by Varina Patel
Light and Landscape Issue 2 Released!
In this issue, I share my process for creating a black and white photograph, and Jay and I share tips for developing your post production fine art workflow.
November 13, 2013/by Varina Patel
Varina gets the Cover of Lightroom Magazine
Varina's photograph of Metlako Falls in the Columbia River Gorge (Oregon) was chosen for the cover of Lightroom Magazine Issue #7.
September 18, 2013/by Varina Patel
Light & Landscapes Magazine Interview
Jay's photo is on the cover of Light and Landscape Magazine, and inside issue #1, Varina and Jay discuss photography and marketing.
September 6, 2013/by Jay PatelThe Candid Frame: Interview with Varina Patel
Varina Patel speaks with Ibarionex Perello about getting started in photography on The Candid Frame.
September 3, 2013/by Jay Patel
Aha Daily Interview with Jay Patel
Have you ever taken the time to look back your older photographs and think about how you've improved? What was most helpful to you?
July 29, 2013/by Jay Patel
Varina and Jay on This Week in Photo #307
Varina and Jay Patel discuss gear, post-processing workflows and more with Frederick Van Johnson and Topher Martini on This Week in Photo.
May 27, 2013/by Varina Patel
Brent Mail with Varina and Jay – Part 2
Varina and Jay Patel talk with Brent Mail about our differing photographic styles, finding great light on location, and so much more.
May 23, 2013/by Varina Patel
Brent Mail with Varina and Jay – Part 1
Varina and Jay Patel talk with Brent Mail about starting out in photography, shooting RAW or JPG files, and shooting in some cool locations.
May 16, 2013/by Varina Patel
Interview with TWIP – Episode #302
Varina and Jay Patel with Frederick Van Johnson on This Week in Photo. The complete interview is available on TiWP. Episode: #302
May 6, 2013/by Jay Patel
Candid Frame talks to Jay Patel
Ibarionex Perello at Candid Frame interviewed Jay about how he got started in photography, his creative process, and manual blending (iHDR).
September 24, 2012/by Jay Patel
Varina and Jay Patel on Nik Radio
We recently spoke with Scott Sheppard for Nik Radio.about everything from balancing our schedules to traveling and teaching together.
July 23, 2012/by Varina Patel